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Please Push Back on my D2L & Sakai Biases

I'm hoping that the Desire2Learn (D2L) and Sakai folks among our IHE community will tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. When it comes to the LMS (or really anything in life), where you stand is where you sit. I've been on Blackboard for 10 years now (across 2 different institutions and in roles ranging from instructor to learning designer to program manager), so naturally I'm biased toward what I know best.

Will Our IHE Community Read Pinker's "Why Violence Has Declined"?

I'm always curious about what books our IHE community is reading, and how we choose what to read. My dream IHE site feature would be an interactive dashboard that gave real time and historical information of our reading preferences, and provided a method that we can make recommendations and share our thoughts about our books.

The Best EdTech Blogs Outside of the Academy?

This I Believe: That the distinction between an educator who works for a university and an educator who works for a company is meaningless. None of us would survive long if we failed to produce value.

Locked In An LMS Mental Cage?

Our community has been discussing EDUCAUSE 2011 (both on campus and virtually), and one theme that seems to be resonating is the erosion of centrality of the LMS (learning management system). With LMS platforms increasingly built to integrate with Web 2 platforms, particularly Google Apps tools, the LMS no longer needs to be the "be all and end all" for learning, collaboration, and exchange.

"Ready Player One" and "Reamde"

Reading Reamde (Kindle) and Ready Player One (Audible) simultaneously is somewhat of a surreal experience, as both novels feature massively...

Transparency and Pearson's Free OpenClass LMS: 4 Ideas

Michael Feldstein has a terrific post over on his e-Literate blog: "Why Pearson’s OpenClass Is a Big Deal." Michael's post...

EDUCAUSE EdTech: 5 Observations

EDUCAUSE manages to cram in many different meeting experiences during a single conference. We go to EDUCAUSE to learn best...

EDUCAUSE Day #1 Observations

Looking forward to hearing your take-aways and observations from EDUCAUSE. A few un-filtered reactions from day 1: Godin's Keynote: I'm of two minds on Seth Godin's keynote, "Invisible or Remarkable?" The keynote was hugely enjoyable.