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Halloweek and Student Self-sabotage

Halloweek has derailed some students. But maybe they learned something more important.

Three Football Stories

Last year, I fell out of love. This year, a different emotion.

Coming Out as a Conservative

Seeing those guys topple a formation in a state park caused me to realize that deep down, I'm a conservative.

The Search for the Origins of Pseudo-academic B.S.

First year writing students adopt a bizarre and counterproductive style. I wonder why.

For Love, Definitely not Money

What makes us work harder than is probably good for us?

Two Southern "Geniuses"

Two people (among many) working the South who could've been MacArthur Fellows.

Apparently, Geniuses Don't Work in the South

The MacArthur Foundation released its list of Fellows. I'm not on it. Neither is anyone else who works below the Mason-Dixon.

Everyone Should Teach 'Freshman Comp'

I wouldn't have realized how much I benefit from teaching first-year writing if I hadn't been forced into it.