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How College Works

A new book shows that college is a process, not a product.

Clay Shirky Comes Not to Praise Education, but to Bury It

The disruptive innovating futurist thinks we better adapt, before it's too late.

It's Impossible to Teach What I Want My Students to Learn

It's also impossible to measure whether or not they've learned it.

When the Internet Hates You

Some thoughts on recent controversies: Grantland, Bill Keller, and Tenured Radical.

Entrepreneurs and Astronauts

Today's generation wants to be entrepreneurs. Should higher ed act?

I Want My Students Discomforted

I try out adaptive software. I see the appeal, but also its limits.

Guest Post: You Are Unhome: Teaching French Literacy Narratives

I wrote about my dream courses last month. A guest weighs in on her own.

When Good Work Doesn't 'Count'

I've lost one of my favorite teaching resources to archaic notions of scholarship.