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Stumbling Through School, a Lost "Luxury"

Sometimes you have to get lost to be found.

ASU Is the "New American University" - It's Terrifying

I don't think I'm going to get invited to speak at ASU any time soon.

First-Year-Writing Experiment: Jokes

Because I teach the same course over and over, sometimes I just have to experiment.

Yes, Small Class General Education Courses Do Make Money

Non-tenure-track faculty teaching small classes generate lots of tuition revenue and get very little back.

ASU English by the Numbers: It Ain't Pretty

Trying to figure out how ASU justifies their PhD program. Hint: $$$$

ASU and the Non-Tenured Human Shields

When I read the news of Arizona State upping the teaching load of instructors, I thought, I know this play.

Yeah, We're Really Screwing This Up

I think there's a different path out of the "crisis" of higher education.