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Take a Skeptic to School

No brainwashing here, I swear.

Why I'm Not (Super) Worried About That Professor Watchlist

It's the work of someone who's looking for something to believe in and probably hasn't found it.

The End of Outrage

A personal credo for the coming years.

We're Going to Need Our Institutions

Regardless of political persuasion, we're going to need institutions during the Trump Administration.

Living in a Post-Institution Age: The Presidency

What happens when we let a mere brand try to substitute for an institution?

Living in a Post-Institution Age

As institutions failed the people, people failed the institutions.

Probability Isn't Destiny

Data should inform us, not rule us.

Admitting We Might Not Be Doing the Job Anymore

The psychology of "making do" can blind us to how far we've fallen.