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Guest Post: Avoiding Groundhog Day on Contingent Labor

Amy Lynch-Biniek recounts an MLA panel on contingent and adjunct labor with some thoughts on how to bridge the gaps and keep us from repeating the past.

Don't Do It, Gavin Newsom

Governor Newsom, please don't spend $10 million on a system that tracks students from kindergarten all the way into the work force.

Guest Blog: But I Like My Third Eye!

...or how I came to stop worrying and love WAC.

What I Learned (Or Didn't) at AHA and MLA

Still processing the experience, I'm sure of a few small things.

What Should I See at MLA and AHA?

And some info on how you can come and see me.

Seeing Your Work Reflected Back at You

I didn't realize how powerful this could be until I experienced it for myself.

Guest Post: Coaching in the Classroom: What Nick Saban Has Taught Me About Pedagogy

Guest post from Brian Oliu reflecting on how we make adjustments in the classroom.

Guest Post: How Was Your Semester?

Mark Bresnan of Colorado St. University asks a common question with a complicated answer.