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So Long, Comments

I will miss what the comments here have provided, but I'm not sorry to see them go. Maybe there's a replacement?

My Scaffold Was Actually a Jenga Tower

Questioning some fundamentals in order to help achieve "resilient pedagogy."

Safetyism Was Never Real

When someone accuses others of practicing "safetyism," look at where the power lies.

Guest Post: Taking Care: Creating Meaningful Online Learning

Lee Skallerup Bessette is back with an online teaching experience that may surprise some.

Purdue and Notre Dame Are Going to Open for In-Person Instruction

How the leaders of these schools signal their intentions speak volumes, through their silences as much as their words.

Choose Cooperation and Collaboration, Rather Than Surveillance

An alternative to getting into a technologically mediated academic dishonesty arms race.

What Happened to the University of Everywhere?

Looking at institutional collapse may cause a change of heart and mind.

"Should I Start College?"

What I'd say if someone asked me.