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Wesleyan University’s Board of Trustees voted Saturday to reject a proposal driven by pro-Palestinian student protesters to divest endowment funds from weapons manufacturers and other companies tied to the war between Israel and Hamas, The Connecticut Post reported.

The vote came one day after students staged a sit-in at the university’s investment office.

Wesleyan was one of multiple universities to agree to weigh divestment demands made by student protesters who established encampments on campus grounds last spring. Most universities that agreed to consider such proposals have voted no on divestment demands.

Other institutions that have rejected similar calls for divestment include Chapman University, Oberlin College, Occidental College, Williams College and the University of Minnesota. Brown University is set to decide on a divestment proposal next month, a move that prompted trustee Joseph Edelman to resign in protest over the vote, which he called “morally reprehensible.”

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