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Survey: 4 of 5 Students Face Disruption From Virus

Students whose lives were significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic may change their plans to remain or re-enroll in college...

Youth and Early Modern Innovation Culture

We can look to the young to help with innovation. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of the South...

AP Testing to Begin, Amid Controversies

New, shorter tests will be given at the same time all over the world.

Big Proctor

Is the fight against cheating during remote instruction worth enlisting third-party student surveillance platforms?

Colleges Want No Repeat of the Last Recession's Cuts

Colleges are urging Congress in the next stimulus package to push states to avoid cuts.

Loyola New Orleans Won't Look at SAT/ACT Scores

By going test blind instead of test optional, it's getting out of admissions testing. Update: University of New England changes, too.

Faculty Condemn President's Emergency Powers

A group of faculty at Medaille College, in Buffalo, N.Y., criticized President Kenneth Macur for using the pandemic to give...

Academic Minute: The Youth Role in Innovation

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of the South Week, Kelly Whitmer, associate professor of history, looks to...