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Academic Minute: Printing in the English Reformation

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of the South Week: William E. Engel, professor of English, discusses how...

Common App Adds Question on COVID-19

The Common Application has added a question on students' COVID-19 experiences. The question reads, "Community disruptions such as COVID-19 and...

STEM Equity and Inclusion (Un)Interrupted?

The pandemic will negatively impact the careers of women in STEM, particularly those of color, and failure to respond could jeopardize years of progress toward faculty equity, argue Stephanie A. Goodwin and Beth Mitchneck.

GAO Recommends Stepped-Up Guidance on Export Controls

A U.S. Government Accountability Office report released Tuesday recommends that the U.S. Departments of Commerce and State improve their guidance...

Values-Centered Instructional Planning

As colleges move from coping to planning for the fall and beyond, they should be guided by a consistent, mission-aligned framework, writes Robin DeRosa.

Federal Prosecutors Pursue Professors Over China Ties

Federal prosecutors announced a new case against a professor accused of hiding ties to China and reported a guilty plea...

Report: Living Expenses, Not Tuition, Are the Problem

New report finds that financial aid mostly has kept up with rising tuition prices. But living expenses are another story.

How Neurodivergent Students Are Getting Through the Pandemic

Students with anxiety disorders, autism and other disabilities are struggling with the disruption of their normal routines after the move to remote education.