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The HyFlex Option for Instruction if Campuses Open This Fall

The HyFlex course model is getting buzz as one way colleges could educate students if their campuses are open but physical distancing remains. A panel of experts discusses the pros and cons.

House Dems Want Billions for States, Colleges

House Democrats unveil a $3 trillion proposal, including tens of billions for colleges. But Senate Republicans say, "It's not going anywhere."

Calif. Community Colleges Sue DeVos Over DACA Exclusion

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos exceeded her authority and violated the constitutional principle of separation of powers when she ruled...

Fauci: Developing Vaccine by Fall Term Is ‘Bridge Too Far’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, told a Senate committee that the prospects...

Cal State System Planning for Virtual Fall

The California State University system is using a “virtual planning approach” for the fall semester. Timothy White, the system's chancellor...

Professor Apologizes for Using N-Word

Rose Salseda, assistant professor of art and art history at Stanford University, apologized for using a form of the N-word...

New Podcast Episode on the Great Online Pivot

The Key With Inside Higher Ed is a podcast on the uncertainties both college students and colleges face in coming...

Quantity Is Not Rigor

While we are all working at home, let’s use the occasion to examine the status quo, urges Cathy N. Davidson, including rethinking homework.