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CIC Report Reviews States' Tuition-Free College Programs

Several years after three states implemented tuition-free college programs, the Council of Independent Colleges released a new report Monday examining...

We Must Change How We Fund Graduate School

Channeling more funding directly to grad students would diversify academe and enhance the scientific enterprise, argue Kafui Dzirasa, Christopher D. Lynn, Jin Kim Montclare, Leia Stirling and Bill Wuest.

COVID-19 Roundup: A Pool Party ‘Almost Like Mardi Gras’

Numbers grow at Missouri State; percentage of positive tests high in college counties in Iowa.

‘Equity in Science’

Author discusses new book on how disciplines promote -- and don't promote -- equity.

Tenure Awarded at… Frostburg State, NYIT, U of Texas at San Antonio

Frostburg State University Jacqueline Durst, kinesiology and recreation Dong Wook Huh, management Kenneth Levitt, management Janet Mattern, educational professions New...

COVID-19 in Prisons and Meatpacking Plants

It’s impossible to social distance for people in settings like prisons and meat-processing plants. In today's Academic Minute, part of...

Gag Order or Privacy Concern?

When it comes to their students testing positive for COVID-19, professors say they have a right to know and share the information how they deem appropriate. Colleges want to keep those cases close to the vest.