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An overhead image of the Illinois Street Residence Hall on UIUC's campus

To Offset a Freshman Housing Crunch, Some Must Bunk With Their RAs

Resident assistants at UIUC learned just over a week before move-in that they might be assigned a freshman roommate due to higher-than-anticipated enrollment. They aren’t happy about it—and their roommates might not be, either.

Students walk down a pathway past a building and trees

In New Hampshire, a Mandate to Collaborate

The state’s public universities are hemorrhaging students. A new law requires community colleges and four-year institutions to work together to stanch the bleeding.

A statue of George Mason sits at the forefront of this image of George Mason University's campus. University buildings can be seen in the background.

The Politicized Governing Board

The transformation of one public university’s governing board is an alarming instance of increasing political interference in higher ed, Tim Gibson, Bethany Letiecq and James Finkelstein write.

A photograph of Texas governor Greg Abbott, behind a microphone, pointing.

The Growing Trend of Attacks on Tenure

A study of around a decade of legislative proposals to ban tenure finds some common characteristics of states where these bills appeared. But while outright bans have so far failed, other laws—and actions outside of statehouses—have weakened tenure anyway.

A photo illustration of an axe cutting into a building.

Declining Enrollment, FAFSA Issues Led to More Cuts in July

Enrollment challenges, compounded by the FAFSA fiasco, drove layoffs and program cuts as colleges sought to plug budget holes.

Inspector General Finds Gaps in FAFSA Planning, Oversight

The Office of Federal Student Aid didn’t put the necessary checks in place to effectively carry out parts of its...

5 Wis. Clubs Suspended for Calling Jewish Groups ‘Extremist’

Five pro-Palestinian student organizations at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee have been suspended for a July post on Instagram...

Minnesota State Grants Shrink Amid Budget Shortfall

College students in Minnesota received smaller state financial aid packages than usual thanks to a $40 million budget shortfall for...