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Nichols President on Leave Amid Coast Guard Investigation

The president of Nichols College, Glenn Sulmasy, has taken a voluntary leave from his job amid an investigation into the...

Digitally Documenting the Innu Language: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Maryland Baltimore County Week: Renée Lambert-Brétière, associate professor of linguistics, looks...
An illustration of quotes from the Biden administration's letter over a photo of a classroom.

States Underfunded Historically Black Land Grants by $13 Billion Over 3 Decades

The secretaries of agriculture and education have issued letters to 16 governors, urging them to rectify the inequities in funding.

A pay stub showing someone who was paid in experience.

A New Campaign to End Unpaid Internships

Research by NACE shows that paid internships benefit graduates far more than unpaid ones. Now the organization is pushing for legislation to ban the latter.

A group of students sits on the grass studying on a college campus.

Report: Colleges Get Creative in Health and Wellness Solutions

Student health and wellness remain a priority for higher educational leaders, as highlighted in a new report. Officials share their unique approaches to servicing the eight dimensions of wellness.

Baylor Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Baylor University has settled a federal lawsuit with 15 women who sued the Baptist institution in 2016, claiming mishandling of...
Michael Smith's Abundant University

Embracing Technology to Advance Equity

A Carnegie Mellon professor argues that higher education needs to embrace technology to help break down barriers to entry for students.

Pages of new lawsuits against colleges fly out of a printer atop the U.S. Supreme Court building, all on an orange background

A New Legal Blitz on Affirmative Action

Challenges to race-conscious policies are surging in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, including a new lawsuit against West Point.