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Report Reveals Ongoing Tensions Over Student Speech

Nearly three-quarters of all college students (70 percent) say they feel at least somewhat comfortable speaking about controversial topics in...

U of Alabama Requires Black and LGBTQ+ Groups to Relocate From Student Center

The University of Alabama is requiring the Black Student Union, a minority advocacy group, to close its current office in...

Common App Report Shows Growth, Particularly Among Minority Applicants

The number of first-year college applicants grew across the board during the 2023–24 application cycle, according to the latest end-of-season...
photo illustration with an orange background, a bold capital U and a money trail.

In Bid to Deter Misconduct, U.S. Releases New Data on Financial Aid Enforcement

The Education Department has issued $61.7 million in fines and cut off aid to 35 colleges for violations since 2021. Some critics say it hasn’t gone far enough in holding rule breakers accountable; others say the feds have a “vendetta” against career colleges.

An adult man works at a laptop with a notebook and pen beside him.

Academic Success Tip: Credit Predictor Tool Helps Award Credit for Prior Learning

Davenport University in Michigan added a feature to help current and potential students identify how their experiences outside of college apply to their degree programs. The tech tool serves as a tactic to expose students to credit for prior learning.

A standardized test answer sheet with bubbles filled in. A pencil and a small circular clock sit atop the sheet.

Do Colleges Have to Go Back to the SAT?

Test-optional admissions policies remain a valuable tool for expanding access, even if impacts are modest, Julie J. Park, Kelly Rosinger and Dominique J. Baker write.

Students walk on Ohio State University's campus in Columbus, Ohio.

Student Wellness Tip: Investing in Graduate Student Mental Health

Campus leaders at Ohio State University are using state funding to bolster resources and services for graduate and professional students on campus and remotely.

UT San Antonio to Merge With UT Health Science Center

The University of Texas at San Antonio and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio will soon...