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Building ‘Community’ Online

With Facebook on the decline, some institutions are turning to a third-party app to foster connection among new first-year students. Faculty, administrators and current students are also welcome.

PETA vs. UW’s Primate Center

A judge has prohibited the University of Washington from releasing the names of an animal research committee to PETA. The animal-rights organization is appealing, alleging mistreatment of primates.

We Need to Teach Students How to Implement

Faculty members commonly train students how to develop ideas but not how to make those ideas tangible, write Spencer Carlson, Liz Gerber and Matt Easterday.

Uncovering Hidden Biodiversity in the Tropics

Have we discovered everything in the animal kingdom already? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of North Carolina at Asheville’s...

Campus Mask Mandates Return

UCLA, U of Hawai‘i and Penn State are among the colleges restoring the requirement.

Is Biden Back to $10,000 per Borrower?

Some say so, but the president’s plan to cancel at least some student debt is still not finalized.

‘Save the College’

Columbia University task force recommends restructuring the leadership of the undergraduate college, a donor favorite. Alumni, students and many professors object.

Britain to Give Visas to Graduates of Top Universities Worldwide

Britain will give graduates of the world's leading universities visas good for two years of work (three if they hold...