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Appeals Court Revives Harassment Suit

Federal panel finds evidence for woman to proceed with claim over Georgia's handling of rape allegations involving athletes.

Senate Ups the Ante

Budget blueprint offers more money for Education Department and NIH than President Bush proposed.

House Panel Takes Its Shots

A week after defending Bush education budget in Senate, Spellings endures a going-over in the other chamber.

Let My Students Go

Facing demands for study in Israel, U.S. colleges rethink reliance on State Dept. warnings -- potentially opening up programs in many countries.

Power Play

Some U. of California academic senators are poised to remove chairman, but their ability to do so is unclear.

Power Play

Some U. of California academic senators are poised to remove chairman, but their ability to do so is unclear.

Mysterious Departures at Andrews U.

Faculty and staff perplexed and board mum as 3 top administrators quit on the same day.