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Real Sex, College Edition

Last year's graphic cable show at U. of California at San Diego sets off debate over censorship and taste.

Partisanship Reigns

First day of House debate on Higher Education Act bill devolves into finger pointing.

Tight Budget in the House

Spending blueprint would stick closely to Bush plan, but amendment to add funds for NIH and education is planned.

Grading Edge for Conservative Students

Study suggests that claims of pro-liberal tilt may have it backwards.

To Show or Not to Show Muhammad Cartoon

NYU told students that if they want to display the Danish cartoons for a panel discussion, the event must be closed to the public.

A (Slightly) Kinder, Gentler Higher Ed Bill

On eve of vote, House leaders make changes in key legislation to bolster support, but critics aren't won over.

Helping Hand for Compton

A troubled California community college, on the verge of losing its accreditation, could be saved by a friend.