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English Jobs Hold Steady

As interview season arrives, MLA releases job figures that encourage some, but leave others anxious.

Senate Passes Budget Bill -- But...

A tumultuous day may only delay passage of budget and other bills that college groups generally dislike.

Social Scientists Lean to the Left, Study Says

Analysis finds wide variations among disciplines -- with anthropology and sociology more liberal than political science and economics.

Survival of the Fittest Theory

Federal judge rejects intelligent design curriculum as religious and non-scientific.

The New Jewish Studies

Scholars from growing, changing field gather to consider what's hot, how to study Israel, and how they fit into multiculturalism.

Straight Flushed

As marketing of online gambling to college students heats up, college policies are few, critics say.

An Admiral for SUNY

State U. of New York's board picks popular acting chancellor for the permanent position.