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New Collaboration for Scholarly Publishing

Grant allows 5 presses to set up joint operations for copy editing, design, layout and typesetting -- creating savings that will allow release of more books.

Federal Budget Blahs

Higher education's hopefulness for new influx of funds fades as Congress cedes to President Bush's wishes, passing spending bill that pulls many programs below 2007 levels.

The Identity Studies for Everyone

More literary and cultural studies scholars focus on age and the way generations are defined -- and consider why such issues have largely been ignored.

Fear Factor

In wake of high-profile murders at Louisiana State, experts consider the impact on conceptions of U.S. campus safety among prospective international students.

Scholar's Visa Denial Upheld

The case of Tariq Ramadan has become central to efforts by academic and civil liberties groups to challenge the denial...

2 New University Presses

Webster and Lee each start publishing operations, furthering a trend toward collaboration.

A Broad Review of College Tax Compliance

As IRS releases new tax form for nonprofits, agency plans survey of how institutions compensate presidents, spend from endowments, and pay (or don't pay) unrelated business tax.