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Fontbonne Rescinds Invitation to Mortenson

Fontbonne University announced Thursday that it has rescinded an invitation to Greg Mortenson, the author and philanthropist, to be the...

The Sources of Plagiarism

A new study by Turnitin, the plagiarism detection service, has found that term paper mills account only for a small...

Artist Protests Brigham Young's 'Liberal' Bookstore

The artist Jon McNaughton has pulled his prints from the bookstore at Brigham Young University, saying that it was too...

Community College Students in 31 States Can't Get Federal Loans

More than one million community college students in 31 states do not have access to federal student loans because their...

Academic Minute: Soap Operas' Demise

In today’s Academic Minute, Quinnipiac University's Paul Janensch discusses the radio roots of a rapidly disappearing entertainment genre, the soap...

Separation Anxiety

Illinois decision to decouple IT chain of command from the academic one, and resignation of a displeased CIO, sparks debate on "centralized" technology.

The Royal Wedding and Academe

Unlike just about every other media organization, Inside Higher Ed has no live coverage planned for tomorrow's wedding of two...

New Leader in European Higher Ed

Maria Helena Nazaré, first woman in key post, wants to smash some glass ceilings -- and also to protect university budgets.