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Online Education's Great Unknowns

Distance learning has broken into the mainstream of higher education. But at the campus level, many colleges still know precious...

Adios to Spanish 101 Classroom

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is moving introductory Spanish courses completely online. Some students are worried, but department officials are not.

Forward Into the Cloud

With more students auto-forwarding e-mail to private accounts, even colleges that have not outsourced e-mail find it difficult to keep correspondence on their own servers.

Sustainable Hybrids

Case study by South Texas College suggests that courses that a blend of classroom and distance education can produce better outcomes than either one by itself.

The Mobile Campus

What did Abilene Christian University learn in its first year as a self-appointed guinea pig for mobile learning technology?

What Doomed Global Campus?

The attempt by the University of Illinois to build an online institution was a huge failure. What can it teach us?

'The World Is Open'

Technology is changing higher education in more ways than can be counted. Distance education has become common. Leading universities are...

Taking Notes Beyond the Classroom

Influx of note sharing Web sites that allow students to upload and download class notes has raised questions, but also helped to increase access to higher education.