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Threats to Academic Freedom in Hong Kong?

Scholars in Hong Kong are concerned that the Chinese government is attacking their academic freedom in the aftermath of last...

Academic Minute: Aeroponic Gardening

In today's Academic Minute, Laura Rokosz, adjunct professor of nutrition sciences at Monmouth University, explores the vertical irrigation design of...

"This Week": Zeroed Out in Arizona / Assertive Gates Foundation

On the latest "This Week," Inside Higher Ed's free news podcast, Pima Community College's Lee D. Lambert and Stephen Katsinas...

How Boston Colleges Are Making Up for Snow Days

Boston-area colleges -- normally reluctant to declare snow days -- had no choice this year. Now they are figuring out...

Threat Against U. of Akron Women's Studies Lecturer

University of Akron police are seeking leads to find out who posted flyers on campus threatening to rape Kara Kvaran...

Senator Cruz vs. NASA's Earth Science Research

Many scientists were alarmed when Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who does not believe in the scientific consensus on...

Students Protest Nonrenewal of Dean at Merced

Students at Merced College in California are protesting the decision of the board not to renew the appointment of Everett...

Some Faculty Defend Anti-Flag Students at Irvine

The push by some student government members at the University of California at Irvine to ban the U.S. flag from...