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Globe U Pays $400,000 in Whistle-Blower's Suit

A Minnesota jury in 2013 ordered Globe University to pay $400,000 to a dean who accused the for-profit institution of...

Hostage Killed by Drone Was Former SUNY Professor

The White House announced Thursday that an American drone killed two hostages held in Pakistan by Al Qaeda, one of...

Divestment Protest Sit-In in Tufts President's Office

Tufts University students on Wednesday took over the office of President Anthony Monaco and said that they would stay until...

Job Cuts at Concordia Moorhead

Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., is cutting its workforce by 5 percent to respond to declining enrollments, Forum News Service...

LSU Prepares Financial Exigency Plan

The Louisiana State University System is drafting a plan to declare financial exigency, The New Orleans Times-Picayune reported. Governor Bobby...

Treasury Dept. Paves Way for U.S. Publication of Syrian Books

Publishing groups are praising a recent move by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to...

Alaska-Fairbanks to Cut Several Academic Programs

A monthslong review by the University of Alaska at Fairbanks has concluded with a decision to eliminate six degree offerings...

Promising Results for New Approach to Remedial Math

Since 2012, community colleges in Texas have experimented with an alternative approach to remedial math that the Charles A. Dana...