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Survey Explores Digital Book Publishing Strategies

The Association of American University Presses' sixth annual survey on digital book publishing finds presses are pursuing myriad strategies but...

Accrediting Body Places UNC on Probation

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will not lose accreditation over the academic fraud that occurred there, but...

No Charges Against UVa Student Whose Arrest Angered Many

Virginia prosecutors have dropped charges against Martese Johnson, a black student at the University of Virginia, The Washington Post reported...

Many Professors Quit Jobs in Venezuela

Many faculty members are quitting jobs in Venezuela, where they are finding it impossible to support themselves on government-mandated salaries...

Academic Minute: Millennial Sexuality

In today's Academic Minute, Jean M. Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University, discusses her research on...

Redefining the Faculty Paradigm

Most people agree that faculty performance evaluations should be based on more than student feedback, grants and publication counts. But...

Billington to Retire as Librarian of Congress

James Billington announced Wednesday that he will retire at the end of the year as librarian of Congress. A scholar...

British Scientist Quits Faculty Job After Sexist Comments

Tim Hunt, a British biochemist who shared the 2001 Nobel Prize in Medicine, on Wednesday quit his job as a...