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More Questions on Graduation Rates at Ivy Tech

Ivy Tech Community College, a statewide community college system in Indiana, has been facing questions from legislators about what they...

Elson Floyd, President of Washington State, 1956-2015

Elson S. Floyd, president of Washington State University since 2007, died Saturday from complications from colon cancer. Floyd won widespread...

How USC Seeks to Raise $6 Billion

An article in The Los Angeles Times explores how the University of Southern California is seeking to raise $6 billion...

Japan Pushes Universities on Flag, Anthem at Events

Japan's education minister has set off a debate in higher education with a call for universities to fly the country's...

Clinton on Veterans and the 90/10 Rule

Hillary Clinton last week said as president she would seek to crack down on the for-profit college sector's aggressive recruitment...

Academic Minute: Year 2038 Problem

In today's Academic Minute, the University of Surrey’s Radu Sporea discusses how the year 2038 may create technology issues similar...

Another Chicago-Area Community College Faces Ethics Scrutiny

The College of DuPage isn't the only community college outside Chicago facing scrutiny over its ethics. The Chicago Tribune reported...

Ex-Student Pleads Guilty in Noose Incident

Graeme Phillip Harris, a former student at the University of Mississippi, on Thursday pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of...