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Report: Too Little Done to Encourage Income-Based Loan Repayment

Many student loan borrowers who could qualify for the federal government's income-based repayment plans do not participate in them, and...

New Data on Value of College Degrees, Majors

A new study confirms previous research finding strong long-term economic payoff to earning a college degree, and a larger payoff...

Academic Minute: Technological Trust

In today's Academic Minute, Richard Pak, a psychologist at Clemson University, considers when relying on computers has unintended consequences. Learn...

Report Urges New Service Learning Programs

American colleges should expand opportunities for their students to participate in national service programs, the Center for American Progress recommended...

Big Price Cuts, Small Savings at 2 Private Colleges

Two private universities announced in as many days considerable slashes to their sticker prices. Utica College in central New York...

2 More Colleges Drop SAT/ACT Requirements

Two more colleges have announced that they are ending requirements that all undergraduate applicants submit SAT or ACT scores. The...

College Chief Gets Prison for Fraudulent Visas

A college leader accused of participating in a scheme to commit student visa fraud has been sentenced to a year...

Obama: Agencies Should Use Behavioral Science

Many congressional Republicans have mocked the idea of federal support for behavioral research (and tried to cut it). But President...