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Questions on For-Profit Official Hired by DeVos

Robert S. Eitel is working as a special assistant for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos while he is on unpaid leave...

Student Body President Under Scrutiny for Tweets

The student body president at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota is under scrutiny for anti-Semitic tweets he posted...

Anti-Semitic Fliers at U of Illinois Chicago

At least 100 anti-Semitic fliers were distributed across the University of Illinois at Chicago campus last week, according to The...

Wright State President Resigns Amid Budget Crisis

The president of Wright State University resigned last week -- almost four months sooner than he had planned to retire...

New Chancellor for City Colleges of Chicago

Juan Salgado (at right) will become the next chancellor of City Colleges of Chicago, succeeding Chancellor Cheryl Hyman, Mayor Rahm...

Merger Between Assessment Firms Taskstream and Tk20

Taskstream, a New York City-based company that works with colleges and higher education associations on assessment, accreditation and e-portfolios, this...

Study on College Network Challenges

Internet speeds at colleges have nearly tripled since 2012 as IT departments have fought to keep up with students bringing...

Howard Investigates Alleged Mock Slave Auction

Howard University is investigating an alleged incident in which a white professor asked his class to engage in a mock...