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Letter Calls on Congress to Tie Pell Grant to Inflation

More than 300 higher education institutions and advocacy groups sent a letter to congressional leaders today asking that the value...

Virginia Tech Veterinary Dean Blasts Honor for Michael Vick

The Virginia Tech announcement that Michael Vick was among five recently selected for the university's Sports Hall of Fame discussed...

Feds Restrict Title IV Access for West Virginia Public Universities

The Department of Education has placed restrictions on access to federal student aid for West Virginia public universities after the...

Assessing Colleges' Contributions to Social Mobility

A new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research examines the key findings of the Equality of Opportunity Project...

House Passes Update to GI Bill

The House of Representatives unanimously voted Monday to pass an update to the Post-9/11 GI Bill that, among other provisions...

Court Dismisses Petition from Ashford U on GI Bill Approval

An Iowa District Court has dismissed a petition by Ashford University, asking that the Iowa State Approving Agency allow Ashford's...

Steven Salaita Says He's Leaving Academe

Three years after Steven Salaita lost a promised tenured position in American Indian studies at the University of Illinois at...

Radio Station Calls Off Event With Richard Dawkins

KPFA, a public ration station in Berkeley, California (the city, not the university) has called off a planned live discussion...