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Admissions Insider: Reaching the Middle Class

In this week’s “Admissions Insider”: Occidental College removes home equity from the wealth calculations of some middle-class families and boosts...

Princeton, Microsoft File Joint DACA Lawsuit

Princeton University and Microsoft have joined together to file a lawsuit against President Trump’s rescinding of the Deferred Action for...

Troy University Investigates Fraternity Sketch

Troy University is investigating a video of a sketch involving characters posing as Donald Trump, border patrol agents and a...

Surge in Sign-Up Rate for Tennessee Promise

Nearly 85 percent of high school seniors applied to Tennessee Promise, a state-sponsored scholarship program provides two years of full-tuition...

Campuses Plastered With ‘OK to Be White’ Signs

Colleges across the country have been swept up as targets in a movement in which posters carrying the message “It’s...

Academic Minute: Deep Brain Stimulation Affects Personality

Today on the Academic Minute: Adina Roskies, professor of philosophy at Dartmouth College, explores whether consciousness functions like the rest...

Journalism Faculty Ends Ties to NYU Abu Dhabi

The faculty of New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute have voted to suspend the institute’s relationship with the...

Korean Scholar Fined for Work on ‘Comfort Women’

A professor was found guilty in a South Korean court of defamation for her writings challenging conventional wisdom on the...