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Rider Plans to Sell Westminster to Chinese Company

Rider University intends to sell Westminster Choir College to a Chinese company that owns K-12 schools in Beijing -- an...

Academic Minute: Schizophrenia and Early Brain Development

Today on the Academic Minute, Michael Stachowiak, professor in the department of pathology and anatomical sciences at the University at...

Did College Board Take Advantage of Florida Tragedy?

The College Board sent admissions leaders an email message Wednesday related to the murders last week at a Florida high...

NSF to Close Overseas Offices

The National Science Foundation is closing its three overseas offices, which are located in Beijing, Brussels and Tokyo, in favor...

Lego Grad Student Is Now an Assistant Professor

Known for his grimly humorous depictions of graduate student life in Lego blocks, and, of late, more politically charged messages...

Men Talking About Women in Math

No, it wasn’t satire. A poster inviting “all women who love math” to an all-male panel on the topic was...

Chancellor Pays Daughter's Moving Expenses

Carlo Montemagno, the new chancellor at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, has been accused of nepotism, as he secured jobs...

Historians Pledge Action on Harassment

In a new report to members of the American Historical Association, Mary Beth Norton, AHA president, Mary Donlon Alger Professor...