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Labor Groups Launch Effort on Grad Student Unions

The American Federation of Teachers, Service Employees International Union, United Autoworkers and Unite Here announced a joint initiative this week...

Cambridge's Moving Tribute to Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking, the noted physicist who died this week, worked for many years at the University of Cambridge, where he...

Take a Break and Play Our Cartoon Caption Contest

Take five minutes over lunch or during a coffee break to suggest a caption for this month's edition of our...

Cornell Returns Gift After Misconduct Charges Against Donor

Cornell University is declining a gift from prominent alumnus Richard Meier (left) after sexual misconduct allegations surfaced against the architect...

Rubio Wants Higher Ed Act to Take on Confucius Institutes

Continuing his campaign against Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes on U.S. campuses, Senator Marco Rubio has proposed adding provisions to a...

Academic Minute: Security Vulnerabilities in Devices

Today on the Academic Minute, Scott Shackelford, assistant professor of business law and ethics at Indiana University, looks into the...

Report: Trump May Limits Visas for Chinese Citizens

The Trump administration is considering restricting visas for Chinese citizens and tightening controls on the export of particular technologies with...

N.J. Governor's Plan for Free Community College

New Jersey governor Phil Murphy on Wednesday laid out the details of a plan to make community college free in...