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Alexander: Congress Shouldn’t Pass Campus Free Speech Law

Senator Lamar Alexander, the chairman of the Senate education committee, said Monday that Congress shouldn’t attempt to attach federal funding...

Academic Minute: Postpartum Depression

Today on the Academic Minute, Jamie Maguire, assistant professor of neuroscience at Tufts University School of Medicine, explores a treatment...

Education Dept. Blocked From Canceling Debt Collection Contracts

A federal court last week blocked the Education Department's plans to cancel contracts with debt collection firms handling defaulted student...

Social Scientists Push for Greater Collaboration

The Social Science Research Council has called on researchers, research funders, the U.S. government and the private sector to forge...

Montana Supreme Court Sides With Montana State in Faculty Misconduct Case

The Montana Supreme Court sided with Montana State University in a five-year-old case brought by a student who said a...

DeVos Gets Another Chance on Obama Loan Rule

The Department of Education has until Oct. 12 to offer a stronger justification for delaying an Obama-era student loan rule...

Court Weighs Next Steps in Borrower Defense Lawsuit

After ruling that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos unlawfully delayed an Obama administration loan rule designed to protect defrauded student borrowers...

AAAS Issues Fellow Revocation Policy on Misconduct

With professional associations under pressure to do more to fight misconduct by their members, the American Association for the Advancement...