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147 Colleges, Football and Brain Disease

A study released Friday documented that 147 colleges and universities have at least one former football player with the degenerative...

Shooting Victims Include Florida State Professor, Student

The two people murdered Friday in a shooting at a Tallahassee yoga studio both had ties to Florida State University...

Vandalism Follows Professor's Critique on Ideology

Samuel J. Abrams, a professor at Sarah Lawrence College, had his office door vandalized after he wrote an essay in...

Faculty Resignations at Bradley U

Soo Ahn, chair of electrical and computer engineering at Bradley University in Illinois, is resigning, following calls that he be...

Students Call for Racist Classmate to Be Expelled

Several students at the law school of North Carolina Central University, a historically black institution, are calling for a white...

More Turmoil at Maryland

The fallout from an athletics scandal that has roiled the University of Maryland at College Park campus continues. The head...

Presidents Oppose End of Trans Protections

The heads of Rutgers University, Princeton University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison asked Betsy DeVos in an open...

AGs Call on DeVos to Grant Loan Relief

After the Trump administration lost a federal court battle over 2016 Obama borrower-defense regulations, Democratic attorneys general are seeking answers...