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Grants Promote Development of African Higher Education

Twenty pairs of African and American colleges were awarded grants Monday to help them develop collaborations aimed at attacking economic...

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, 1950-2009

One of the most influential cultural theorists of her generation, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, died on Sunday following "a long and...

That Time of Year? Another Student Newspaper Theft

Fresh on the heels of reports that a campus admissions official trashed issues of a campus newspaper with an unflattering...

Texas Christian Drops Gay Housing Plan

While a number of colleges have created gay-themed housing units, Texas Christian University raised more eyebrows when it announced plans...

Lipscomb U. Announces 3-Year Degree Option

Lipscomb University announced Monday that it will create a new option for students to finish a bachelor's degree in three...

Arrests Follow Building Takeover at New School

Students pushing for the resignation of Bob Kerrey as president of the New School took over a building Friday morning...

Penn State Apologizes for Veteran Video

Pennsylvania State University has stopped using and apologized for a video prepared to help faculty members learn how to deal...

Professor Stands Up to Animal Rights Extremists

Many professors attacked by animal rights extremists have taken the approach of becoming as invisible as possible. But a profile...