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New Debate on Confederate Statue at Chapel Hill

Students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are trying to promote discussion of a statue of a...

Price Advantage in Britain Favors a For-Profit

BPP University College, Britain's only for-profit, degree-awarding institution, will have a price advantage over nonprofit competitors. Times Higher Education reported...

Villanova Removes Image Some Saw as Klan-Like

Villanova University recently started a new branding campaign -- Go NOVA. But a few materials were quickly reworked after some...

A Tuition Discount on Groupon

National Louis University is offering a tuition discount on a course through the popular website Groupon, The Chicago Tribune reported...

Growth in MD/MBA Joint Programs

With economic issues playing a more important role than ever in medicine, more physicians are seeking M.B.A.s or taking courses...

Massachusetts Shifts Some Funds Away From Enrollment

Massachusetts officials plan to announce today that -- for the first time in decades -- some state funds for higher...

Scottish Universities Raise Tuition for English Students

Scotland's government is strongly committed to effectively providing tuition-free education for students from Scotland. But with the British government withdrawing...

At New Mexico, Cost-Savings Plan Ends Up Adding Costs

University of New Mexico officials thought they had a plan to save about $70,000 by eliminating the job of a...