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Presidents and leaders of 77 colleges and universities wrapped up a two-day summit about campus antisemitism Monday. 

News of the summit, which was hosted by Hillel International, the American Jewish Committee and the American Council on Education, was shared only after the Washington, D.C., gathering had concluded. College leaders have been grappling for years with how to address campus antisemitism—an effort that gained new urgency after reports of antisemitic incidents spiked last fall after the war in Gaza began. Organizers said in a news release that the event, which was not open to the media, marked “the largest-ever gathering of college and university presidents to discuss the topic of confronting antisemitism on campus.”

At the summit, college presidents heard about the roots of contemporary antisemitism and the relationship between free speech and creating a safe campus for all students, according to the release.

“Presidents also participated in solutions-based working sessions where they learned from one another about the strategies that are already proving successful during the new academic year, and how to translate those approaches to their own campuses to foster inclusion and combat hate,” the release said.