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Cost of Free Money

Long Island U. is latest college to face budget problems after overspending on financial aid, a reflection of how the affordability crisis is squeezing institutions.

Counterpoint: Financial Aid Transparency

Contrary to a previous essay, campus financial aid administrators believe award letters can be improved and students better informed about the price of higher education, writes Justin Draeger.

Student Debt, Gender and Class

Sociologists' research on different borrowing patterns of men and women, and of those from different wealth levels, illustrate ways that opportunity may be endangered.

Shopping Around

Some colleges are resisting the Education Department's new "Shopping Sheet." That's a mistake, writes Rachel Fishman, because it helps students and parents compare true costs of college.

DREAMers Deferred

The Obama administration's policy to allow work permits for some students whose parents came to the U.S. illegally may have little direct impact on higher education, but colleges are helping students pursue the new status.

Milton Friedman -- Student Aid Progressive?

The late economist is far more heralded by conservatives than liberals, but he advocated an income-based approach to student aid far more radical than the Obama administration's, writes Alex Holt.

By the Numbers

Departures and a reorganization at the National Center for Education Statistics stir fears the feds are less focused on higher ed data. Not so, says the center's commissioner.

Completion-Focused Financial Aid

As part of larger Gates Foundation effort, new panel aims to reimagine federal aid design and delivery to improve student outcomes. The effort is stoking suspicions.