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Counseling and Chinese Culture

More Mandarin-speaking students are enrolling in college, and counseling centers must address their special needs, psychologists say.

Tackling Urban Inequalities

CUNY initiatives to teach life skills and provide educational opportunities to young men will be a part of New York City mayor's new high-profile push to address racial disparities.

Anti-Bias Rules Upheld

Federal appeals court backs a public university's decision to apply regulations to religious student groups.

Women's Colleges and Ex-Women

Marcus Waterbury, a graduate of the women’s institution Mount Holyoke College, didn’t think it was a big deal when, 15...

A New Majority

Women are taking more spots on deans' councils. At U. of Richmond, 4 of 5 deans are women. Will they change academic leadership?

Whose Agenda?

Study finds students are more likely to see gay and lesbian professors as biased than they are straight professors -- based on the same syllabus.

Refusing to Be Silent

Women from Pakistan, Canada and the United States consider the implications of the brutal attack on a graduate student from Bangladesh -- and the reactions to it.

New Voice for Asian Students

The "model minority" myth notwithstanding, many Asian students need help succeeding in college. A new association wants to make sure they get it.