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Letting the Flagship Steer

LSU's governing board combines the top jobs at the system and flagship in a new model they hope will gradually eliminate distinctions between the two and grow the institution's profile.

Italian Entanglement

Reported dysfunction at a New Hampshire-approved college outside Turin raises questions about the role of states in overseeing institutions abroad.

Unconventional Tuition Vote

California politicians are targeting students and faculty members to support a ballot measure that, by raising taxes, could stave off cuts to higher education and tuition hikes.

The Power of Systemness

Leaders like SUNY's Nancy Zimpher want to rethink public higher education in ways that emphasize state and student needs and strengthen the colleges that do the heavy lifting, writes Sara Goldrick-Rab.

SUNY vs. Student Debt

A large university system begins statewide effort to help students manage debt and avoid defaults.

Broken but Useful

Remediation isn't working, but it's not all that discouraging to students and might serve other purposes, a study finds -- such as helping colleges cope with overenrolled regular courses.

Make Maintenance of Effort Permanent

Congress should regularly require states to maintain their spending on higher education, F. King Alexander argues.