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Both chambers of the Louisiana Legislature have now passed a resolution “to perform an in-depth review of the merits of and need for tenure, to study public postsecondary tenure policies, and to propose any recommendations regarding tenure policies, including any specific proposals for legislation.” This makes Louisiana just the latest state (or state university system) to considering changing, or to change, faculty tenure protections.

The resolution acknowledges a link between tenure and academic freedom but also seems to cast doubt on the tradition of tenure, saying that “postsecondary education students should be confident that they are being exposed to the spectrum of viewpoints, including those that are dissenting; that they are graded solely on the basis of their reasoned answers and appropriate knowledge; and that faculty members are not using their courses for the purposes of political, ideological, religious, or antireligious indoctrination.”

The Louisiana Illuminator reported that Tristan Denley, a former University System of Georgia administrator who designed the controversial posttenure-review changes approved by that system’s Board of Regents last year, is now deputy commissioner for academic affairs and innovation at the Louisiana Board of Regents. The Louisiana resolution does not require gubernatorial approval, and the final report is expected next year.