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Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Monday criticized efforts to make college “free for everybody,” saying she doesn’t want to give away such benefits to children from wealthy families.

“I’m a little different than those who say ‘free for everybody,’” she said during a live appearance on NBC’s Today Show in New Hampshire. “I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump’s kids.”

Clinton did not invoke the name of Senator Bernie Sanders, her Democratic opponent who is leading in the polls in New Hampshire, but Sanders’s college affordability plan calls for tuition-free college for all students at public institutions regardless of their income.

Clinton’s plan, by contrast, would require some families to chip in their own money to pay for tuition at public universities, though she has not said how she would set that “affordable” contribution based on families’ income.

Her remarks Monday echo comments Clinton made last month in an interview with the editorial board of The Des Moines Register. She said in that interview that she was “not going to give free college to wealthy kids” and touted the component of her college plan that would require students to work at least 10 hours a week.