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The national Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity has suspended its chapter at the University of Mississippi and expelled three freshmen over an apparent role in leaving a noose and a Georgia flag on the statue of James Meredith, the first black student to enroll at Ole Miss, The Clarion-Ledger reported. A statement from the national fraternity said: “It is embarrassing that these men had previously identified with our fraternity. SigEp as a national fraternity has championed racial equality and issues on diversity since 1959 when it became the first national fraternity to invite members of all races, creeds and religions to join its membership. For this to occur in 2014 is an insult to the legacy of James Meredith, the University of Mississippi community and the SigEp alumni who fought for racial equality in the late 1950s.”

A statement from the university said that three students -- all white freshmen from Georgia -- had agreed to come in for questioning about the incident on Thursday, but had failed to do so.