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Students whose families were in the top socioeconomic quintile of Americans were seven times likelier than those from the bottom quintile to score 1300 on the SAT exam, a New York Times analysis of Opportunity Insights data shows.

The analysis, of students who took standardized college entrance exams in the first half of the 2010s, shows that 17 percent of students from the top quintile hit the 1300 mark, compared to just 2.4 percent from the bottom quintile. Nearly a third (31 percent) of students in the top 1 percent of family incomes scored 1300 or more.

Because comparatively few students from lower-income backgrounds took the standardized exams in the first place, students from the lowest quintile represented only 0.6 percent of all students who scored at least 1300, while those from the top 0.1 percent represented a full third.

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