Developing Students into Active Alumni: A Success Story

Hear how Northeastern University inspires students to get involved, stay involved and become active alumni.

Join Northeastern University's Director of Student Engagement and Philanthropy, C. Hawkins and Cvent's Susan Summerlin Nye, to hear how you can strategically leverage events to develop current students into active alumni.

This webinar is for higher education leaders and event planners who want to enhance their strategies in inspiring students to get involved, stay involved and become active alumni.

Key Takeaways:

1. Creating Outstanding Event Experiences. Discover how Northeastern focuses on creating exceptional event experiences using Cvent that leave a lasting impact on attendees. Learn about their approach to event planning, including the marketing of events, optimizing the experience and ensuring a seamless on-site experience.

2. Driving Team Efficiency and Agility. Explore how Northeastern organizes its events in a way that enables its team to efficiently manage and coordinate various initiatives with ease and agility. Discover their turn-key event and tech integration strategies that further streamline planning and execution.

3. Using Data to Deliver Personalized Engagement. Uncover Northeastern’s data-driven approach to understanding individual behaviors and identifying patterns. Explore how they leverage this data to personalize event experiences, tailoring them to the preferences and interests of attendees.

Additional resources (PDFs):