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We are pleased to announce the launch of The Gradhacker Podcast! Alex Galarza and Andrea Zellner co-host Episode 1: Flipping the Classroom, in which they interview Dr. Ken Frank, a professor at Michigan State who has employed the technique of ‘Flipping the Classroom’ in his courses. They also discuss a number of blog posts including: “Publishing Your Presentations Online”,“Negotiating the Dating Scene in Grad School”, and “Branding Yourself: Not as Painful as You Think”.

The podcast will regularly feature a discussion of stories on the blog and interviews with guests. Just like guest posts for the blog, we welcome suggestions for episodes and feedback. We owe a big thanks to MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Science Online for their continued support, for our blog partnership, and the folks at for providing a fantastic model and inspiration.

[Image by Flickr user tuija and used under creative commons license]